Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

CHART OF THE DAY: The Unusual Suspects Lobbying For The DREAM Act

CHART OF THE DAY: The Unusual Suspects Lobbying For The DREAM Act

Much of America's attention is currently focused on immigration policy, with President Barack Obama's reprieve earlier this month for young illegal immigrants, and the Supreme Court's decision Monday to strike down the majority of the controversial Arizona immigration law.

Less examined, however, is the money flowing behind the scenes on immigration reform.

Some of the biggest lobbyists in Washington who have devoted money to supporting Obama's proposed DREAM actâ€"which would provide a pathway to citizenship for young illegal immigrantsâ€"aren't who you might expect.

First Street Research Group, which closely tracks the lobbying industry, found that the Chamber of Commerce, Hewlett-Packard Company, and a number of universities were at the top of the list, including Northwestern, Harvard and Stanford Universities.

Alexander Bronstein-Moffly, an analyst at First Street, explained why to Whispers.

"The Chamber of Commerce jumps out, because they are traditionally conservative," he said, "but they have come out in favor of the DREAM act because this so affects the work force."

Bronstein-Moffly said the universities are involved because of the DREAM act's provision that makes it easier for younger children to go to college.

The spending patterns may change, however, after Obama's announcement and the Supreme Court ruling.

"It will be interesting to see who comes on or drops off their lobbying for the DREAM act," said Bronstein-Moffly. "Right now, I think that's unclear."

Elizabeth Flock is a staff writer for U.S. News World Report. You can contact her at or follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

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