Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Watch Out for Unproven Anti-Aging Treatments

Watch Out for Unproven Anti-Aging Treatments

Live to 100 Series sponsored by Spiriva

The anti-aging industry is booming. Twenty years ago, there was no such thing as an "anti-aging" or "longevity" clinic. Today, many major cities house dozens.

Step inside one, and you'll likely encounter an assortment of remedies ranging from multivitamin cocktails to hormone injections to miracle pills that, if you believe the pitches, will guarantee you youthful entry into the triple digits.

[See: In Pictures: 11 Health Habits That Will Help You Live to 100]

There's just one wrinkle. Although often lucrative for physicians, evidence suggests that many of the treatments anti-aging doctors tout don't actually workâ€"and some may be downright dangerous. "You really have to be careful," says Loren Schechter, chairman of the patient safety committee for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. "There are a lot of extravagant claims out there that simply don't check out when you look at the science."

Consider vitamins and supplements, for example. Most are harmless and possibly helpful in moderate doses, but a growing body of evidence shows that in excess, they can cause problems. Getting too much vitamin A, for example, has been linked to osteoporosis, vitamin B to nerve damage, and vitamin E to cancer.

Nonetheless, many anti-aging clinics tout vitamins as something akin to a cure-all. Some have even started offering expensive intravenous infusions containing dozens of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream to patients, many of whom believe the mixture can do everything from boost energy levels and fight off the flu to combat cancer and cardiovascular disease.

These infusions, known as vitamin cocktails (or Myers' cocktails after the Baltimore physician who developed them in the 1950s) haven't been proven effective for treating any health problems, although many clinicians offer anecdotal evidence that they work. The only rigorous scientific study evaluating the Myers cocktail in the National Institute of Health's Library of Medicine found it was no better at treating fibromyalgiaâ€"a condition characterized by chronic pain and fatigueâ€"than a placebo.

[See: Vitamins and Supplements: Do They Work?]

And, like most anti-aging treatments, insurance companies won't cover the infusions, meaning patients are left to scrape up the money out-of-pocket, which can be several hundred dollars per session.

Even if you assume that big doses of dietary supplements improve health, there's a chance that what's inside the bottle at the store won't match what the label advertises. In testimony made before the Senate in 2010, Tod Cooperman, president of Consumer Lab, an independent company that performs quality control tests on vitamins and supplements, noted that his company had found safety problems in about 25 percent of the 2,000 products it had tested over an 11-year period. Many contained less of the active ingredient than their labels claimed; others were contaminated with toxic heavy metals such as lead and cadmium.

If you do happen to be worried about heavy metals in your blood, the anti-aging industry claims to have a cure for that as well: chelation therapy. It's an increasingly popular remedy that involves multiple injections of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), a substance that binds with heavy metals and helps clear them from the bloodstream. It's a proven treatment for lead and mercury poisoning, but anti-aging clinics have begun to offer it as a treatment for cancer and cardiovascular disease. Neither the American Cancer Society nor the American Heart Association considers it valid.

Even anti-aging skin creams can be problematic. A report released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in March 2012 warned that some skin-lightning creams contain high levels of mercuryâ€"sometimes 131,000 times the allowable level. Many of the mercury-containing skin products entered the country illegally and were often sold online or in shops in Latino, Asian, African, or Middle Eastern neighborhoods.

While most mainstream wrinkle creams are safe, that doesn't necessarily mean they're effective. A review of over-the-counter topical creams published in Aesthetic Surgery Journal concluded there was little evidence that most anti-aging creams worked and that the evidence for products containing botanicalsâ€"such as those based on tea, fruit, and cocoa extractsâ€"was particularly slim. A Consumer Reports investigation reached a similar conclusion in 2011 after testing seven popular anti-wrinkle lotions on 79 people, ages 40 to 60. After six weeks, the lotions seemed to have a minimal effect on just a third of the people using them.

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