Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Rupert Murdoch Spent Sunday Hammering Mitt Romney on Twitter

Rupert Murdoch Spent Sunday Hammering Mitt Romney on Twitter

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

It doesn't bode well for a GOP presidential candidate when the man who owns a massive conservative media empire trash talks him on Twitter.

"[Obama] will be hard to beat unless [Mitt Romney] drops old friends from team and hires some real pros. Doubtful," Rupert Murdoch wrote Sunday.

[See: Latest political cartoons]

But it's even worse when that media mogul stick to his guns for a good 24 hours, sending out a series of tweets that argued Romney needs "more fight," "should listen to good advice," and has to "get on the front foot soon."

Read all the tweets below:

[View the story "How Rupert Murdoch really feels about Mitt Romney" on Storify]

Elizabeth Flock is a staff writer for U.S. News World Report. You can contact her at or follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

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